5 ideas of elegant real estate logo design

5 ideas of elegant real estate logo design

A logo is an integral part of any modern company. Its main purpose is to convey information about the brand, its features and benefits. Choosing the right logo for the company can be difficult because of the abundance of styles. In this article you will learn 5 ideas of elegant real estate logo design and what is their uniqueness.


The classic style logo implies restraint, brevity and “lightness” of design. Such an emblem is characterized by the completeness of form and lack of pretentiousness. As a rule, shades and half-shadows, volume and other effects which draw attention to details are not used when creating classic logos. In such emblems, more importance is given to a generalized image. More often than not, company marks made in the classic style are an elegant combination of basic flat geometric shapes. Proportionality, proportionality, traditionality – always a winning option, suitable for different directions and industries.

A classic style logo suits companies in almost any field due to its versatility. Such emblems are often used by companies associated with technology, construction, medicine, etc. The restraint and conciseness of a classic logo will allow you to convey the concept and strengths of your brand to your target audience in the most effective way.


Modern is a modern synonym of universality and originality, relief and ornateness, a special “handwriting” with its own distinctive features. Within this style a variety of forms, outlines and color solutions are possible – there are no limits. Asymmetry, non-standard proportions, “reasonable” carelessness are welcome.


Vintage is not only a reference to the past, but also a whole strategy of interaction with the surrounding world. The choice of a vintage logo in today’s environment is a rather bold decision. With a competent embodiment, such an emblem will produce a furor, because it will attract attention in a good sense with its “outdated” format.


The category of abstract logos is huge: it includes both single symbols and intricate multifaceted images. Emblems created in this style, of course, carry a semantic load. However, they leave the audience with the opportunity to be creative and see something of their own, to build their own associative series.


Signs of minimalism are simplicity, imagery, accuracy and accessibility. This approach is modern: in the age of information overflow, we should cut off everything unnecessary in order to communicate more effectively. Visualization in this style allows demonstrating brand essence, main message and mission clearly without piles and details. This solution does not imply the use of four or more colors, but allows for contrast. The concept is that maximum information is conveyed by a minimum amount of means.